
Showing posts from May, 2021


        We have a rich Christian heritage in our families.   Since all of our family lines date back to the Colonies, it is quite possible many, if not all, of our ancestors came to America for religious freedom.           My Uncle Harold CHURCHWELL (1915-1997) noted that early Churchwells were Primitive Baptist – no musical instruments were allowed in the church, and they regularly practiced foot-washing as part of their worship service.   The earliest records I have are for my 2x great-grandfather, Thomas CHURCHWELL (1810-1880), who joined with the Missionary Baptist Church.   When my Grandpa, William Thornton CHURCHWELL (1890-1954) moved the family to Washington County, Colorado, the nearest church was a Methodist church in Last Chance.   My mom told me her dad used to always say, “We are Baptist, even if we are going to a Methodist church.”   My great-grandfather, John Glover WALLIS (1861-1945), joined...


          I realize it has been two months since my last post!    Craig & I were traveling in the Deep South – Alabama, Mississippi & Louisiana – and enjoying the many sites, cuisines, and the occasional beach.   Whenever we travel, I try to see if I have any family history in the area and where to look for any additional family records, and this trip was no different.   I am very fortunate to have pension and/or military records for 5 of my 6 Civil War ancestors (the 6 th soldier was enlisted only a few months when he was elected to the Missouri State Congress and resigned his position).            Since we were going to be near Marengo County, Alabama, I conducted a Google search for a certain 2 nd cousin twice removed by the last name of PATTERSON, and I found him named in the wedding announcement for his daughter.   I then searched for her name and found her address (it’s kind ...